Mass at SEEK in the St. Louis Dome
The Air Force men on their way to a men's talk at SEEK
I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and that the Lord fills 2023 with blessings for you! It was great seeing some of you when I came back to California and Arizona for the break, but if we didn't get a chance to catch up I hope that we will this Summer.
I can't imagine a better way to have start the new year than by attending the SEEK23 conference with our cadets, my teammates, and my sister! Our five days in St. Louis, MO were packed with 17,000 college students, daily mass, prayer, adoring Jesus in the Eucharist, praise and worship, and inspiring talks. Personally, Jesus showed me in those 5 days what we don't always get to see right away: that He always answers our prayers, but not as we expect and often without us realizing right away. In my conversations during and after SEEK, I have heard so many of the unexpected and very personal ways that the Lord spoke to those with us. My desire for this semester is to help them to not forget what the Lord placed in their hearts and allow it to bear fruit in their lives, specifically through our bible studies and discipleship!
Speaking of bible studies and discipleship, we are already off and running in both! I am leading 4 bible studies again this semester with returning members and new guys also! I am also really excited for discipleship this semester. I have asked two cadets into growing discipleship, which means that in addition to bible study we meet each week to discuss what we can do to grow in our relationship with Christ and share Him with others. The "growing" part means that they are growing towards the goal of being able to lead their own bible studies and being lifelong missionary disciples!
Four saints in the making! (my sister Alecca, Kaitlyn, Erika, and Mikayla)
Thank you for being with me on this journey! I would seriously love to hear about how you are doing or what you need prayers for - just call, text, or email me! Until next time, God bless you!
Myself, Zion, Erika, and Mikayla after taking on the "Run so as to Win" 5k on the last day of the conference
Two weeks after SEEK, we had a fun reunion brunch to discuss our takeaways and how God was continuing to work in our lives
Thank you for allowing me to continue on this journey by your prayers and support! I am praying for you every day and looking forward to all of the gifts God has for us this year!