Zach's Mission Update

US Air Force Academy | February 2023

Dear Friends,

I hope that you are doing well! I am excited to tell you about some of the highlights from February here at the academy!

Archbishop Broglio's Visit

Each year, the Archbishop for the Military Services makes it a priority to visit us for the baptism and confirmation of cadets entering the Church! He met lots of cadets, celebrated mass for us, and spoke at our SPIRE meeting about his recent visit to Ukraine.

Airsoft Outreach

Getting to play with the Airsoft club was an awesome answer to prayer last semester, and this semester I've been able to join for many more game days! I've been inviting cadets I'm friends with to come play also and getting to know the others who come more and more. Please pray for the members of the club that God will work in their hearts and lives and provide opportunities to share the Gospel!

Archbishop Broglio baptizing Nou, a convert from Buddhism!

Our group after a day in the airsoft field; we had a lot of Catholic cadets come this day as well as my teammate Josh!

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." - Acts 2:42

Pete and I had fun at the shooting range before our first growing discipleship meeting!

Discipleship News

I have been having lots of good conversations in my growing discipleship meetings this month with Jared and Joe, who I mentioned last update, and I also recently started meeting with Pete! We have been discussing the four practices of the disciples in Acts 2:42 and how we can better incorporate them into our lives.

Other Highlights

  • Watching 200+ cadets receive ashes on Ash Wednesday
  • Singing karaoke with Zion
  • Taking a big group to Denver for Vigil Praise (The top photo is us stopping for dinner)

The Ablaze event this month was focused on God our Father and the return of the prodigal son!

Our 4 cadets who received baptism and/or confirmation, along with our deacon, the archbishop, and our chaplain!


Thank you so much for continuing to be a part of this mission! I am praying for you always!

Yours in Christ, Zach

  • For everyone who came for Ash Wednesday
  • For the airsoft club cadets
  • For the cadets in bible studies and discipleship
14219 Woodrock Path
Colorado Springs, CO 80921