Zach's Mission Update

US Air Force Academy | April 2023

Dear Friends,

Christ is Risen! I hope that you had a wonderful celebration and are still filled with Easter joy throughout the season! This month has gone too fast, but God has blessed it in many ways which I'm excited to share with you!

Easter Joy

It was so good to reflect on the passion of our Lord and celebrate the joy of His resurrection with the cadets! We had mass on base for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, prayed and watched the Passion of the Christ together, and celebrated at the Easter Vigil! On Easter Sunday, we had fun making brunch for 200+ cadets after the morning mass! After Easter, I had some great conversations with cadets about how we can share the joy of the resurrection with others!

Bible Studies and Discipleship

We are beginning to wrap up bible studies, and my focus has been on how we can continue to respond to the call of Jesus this summer and beyond. In discipleship, Joe and I have been preparing for him to lead a bible study next year. I've also started walking with two seniors in living and sharing their faith after graduation!

The washing of the feet at Holy Thursday Mass

Seth and the other freshmen were happy to finally get to wear civilian clothes after Recognition!

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:18-19

I felt so loved and appreciated when some of the cadets made dinner for us on Easter Sunday to thank us for the work we'd done that weekend

Next Year and Beyond

I have some big news to share with you: this Fall, FOCUS has invited me to serve at a new school, Colorado Mesa University. I was surprised by this invitation, and it's hard to think that I will be leaving my friends at the academy so soon. At the same time, I know that this isn't the end of my friendships here, and I am excited to see what new opportunities await me in Grand Junction. Please pray for me to be able to finish well in these final weeks and love those that I have the opportunity to as best I can!

Other Highlights

A former marine officer, now seminarian, visited us to share his story at SPIRE

I got to meet up with some of my fellow missionaries from California after Easter!

  • Getting to pray with my bible study freshmen before they began Recognition, the most challenging weekend of their year
  • Getting to speak at SPIRE about prayer
  • Movie night with Pete and Joe

It is such a blessing to be on mission with you! Thank you for your prayers and support!

In Christ Jesus, Zach

  • For God to use these sad goodbyes according to His plan
  • For the cadets to grow closer to God over summer
  • For us to live mission in these final days on campus with boldness
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Colorado Springs, CO 80921