I hope that you had a great September! Thank you for being a part of this mission! This month, God has blessed me with getting to grow closer to our student leaders and the men in my Bible study. I'm excited to share about it with you!
Singing praise and worship songs around the fire in Moab
At the start of September we invited some students to come camping in Moab for a weekend. It was a great opportunity to get to know some of them better, hear about their journeys in faith, and be in awe of God's beautiful creation together!
My freshmen Bible study has been going very well this month! We are walking through The Crux study, which focuses on answering important questions like "Why did God create us?", "What did Jesus' death accomplish?", and "What does He want for our lives?". It has been great to see them encounter some of these questions for the first time and walk through Scripture with them. I've also been getting lunch with them one-on-one to hear where they're at in their faith!
Playing unmatched with Ace, Brian, and Gabe - one of my Bible study guys
Bible study for our student leaders
Mass on the Welcome retreat
Towards the end of the month we had the welcome retreat for the new freshmen. For the retreat we camped, enjoyed a day at a lake, prayed together and had a priest come celebrate Mass for us on Saturday night! One of the biggest blessings of the retreat for me was getting to have Gabe and Drew from my Bible study attend, even though they weren't planning on coming initially. Afterwards they both shared how they encountered God during the retreat with the group!
Slacklining has been a great activity to meet students on campus!
Our group for the Welcome retreat
Ally, Drew, Gabe, and myself playing hackysack
Thank you for making our mission at Colorado Mesa possible by your prayers and support for me! I am so blessed to be on mission with you!
In Christ Jesus, Zach
Come to the SEEK conference this January and see God's work in action!
Learn more here.