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The Mission at Mesa

Zach Hofmeister | Colorado Mesa University | March 2024

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Dear Friends,

He is risen! I hope you're having a blessed Easter! Much of March was spent preparing for and going on our mission trip to Peru, and I am excited to share all about how the Lord was working there and drawing us deeper into His love!

The town square of Pamplona where we played and met our neighbors

Kylee and Fr. David jumping rope with some of the kids

Pamplona Alta, Peru

The people we served in Peru live in Pamplona Alta, a mountainous neighborhood on the outskirts of Lima. Our neighbors there were mostly immigrants seeking a better future for their families, even though their living conditions were heartbreaking.

We worked mixing concrete to build a retaining wall to protect homes in case of an earthquake. After our work we got to spend time with the people there and play with the kids.

Each day we also got to accompany our students in daily mass and praying a daily holy hour. This was something new to many of them, and we got to hear some of the awesome and small ways they were encountering the Lord and receiving the grace and strength they needed to continue when being on mission was hard. I certainly needed it! We also got to bring prayer to our neighbors in Pamplona, celebrating mass there our first Sunday and having adoration during our work one day. It was beautiful to join with them in the celebration of the faith!

It was such a blessing to adore Jesus in the Eucharist amidst our work

Me and Justin, a young adult I met and had a conversation with one night

Our worksite shovel-mixing and delivering concrete

The children loved getting piggyback rides from us

Pilgrimage Day in Lima

We took one day to visit where St. Rose of Lima, St. Martin de Porres, St. John Macias, and other holy men and women lived and poured their lives out for Jesus and the poor. It was very inspiring to learn more about their discipleship and continue in their work in a little way.

The convent where St. Martin de Porres lived, prayed, and worked

The basilica attached to the convent from the previous picture

Holy Week

Saying goodbye to everyone we met on mission was hard, but it was very good to come back to the rest of our students for Holy Week and Easter! We had a lot of students attend Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil with us - but I will wait to tell you all about it in the next newsletter!

Please Pray...

  • For all the families and people living in Pamplona Alta, especially Justin and Alejandro
  • For the students I am inviting to lead their own Bible studies next year
  • For the joy of the resurrection to overflow into a greater desire to share Jesus with others


Thank you so much for making it possible for us to accompany our students on this trip! I am praying for you and your families to be renewed in this Easter season!

In His Resurrection, Zach

517 28 1/2 Rd, Apt 1D
Grand Junction, CO 81501

More Photos!

Our group was made of students from Colorado, Wisconsin, and New York

Our group from CMU: Nadine, myself, Jacky, and Kylee

Visiting the chapel where St. Rose of Lima is buried

Our last hike down the steep mountain of Pamplona to go home

Our monthly upper room meetings with our disciples have been growing and sparking great discussions

We went axe throwing with some of the guys for men's night

FOCUS National News

Take a look at this short reflection from one of our national chaplains!