I hope that you have been doing well this Autumn! I'm excited to catch you up on some of the ways that God has been working in our lives here on mission at CMU in September and October!
Getting ready for Mass on the welcome retreat
Robert, Brenden, and Elijah after a rosary walk
Midway through September we had our Welcome retreat. It was a great opportunity for all of us to slow down, set aside distractions to pray, and grow in fellowship. Fr. Carl offered the Mass, we hiked and prayed the rosary, and Joe and I gave a talk to the men on Bl. Pier Giorgio and making Christ the focus of our lives.
They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures? - Luke 24:32
We've had three men's Bible studies going so far - one of them being led by a student which is a first for our campus! My Bible study has a mixture of new guys and ones from last year, and we've just finished the Crux - a Bible study on the Gospel message, knowing the heart of God for us, and responding to Him.
Victoria, John, Gabe, Prado, Drew, and Lorenzo hiking on the retreat
At the climbing gym with Sydney, Barrett, and Jeanette
Meeting people on campus giving out hot chocolate
I am leading the same 7 guys in discipleship and overjoyed by the ways they are living out their faith more deeply than ever before. I am coaching 4 of them to start their own Bible studies, and I see all of them regularly coming to the chapel to spend time with our Lord. At Easter, 2 of them will be confirmed and 1 will be entering the Church! Praise God!
One of my favorite moments was combining both groups to discuss and model sharing our testimonies, and then hearing all of them share with the group. Some were nervous, but they shared from their hearts and it was so beautiful to hear concretely how the Lord has worked and is working in their lives. I am so excited for them to share their stories on campus.
Going to Dairy Queen after our monthly first Friday Adoration night
Getting sodas with Kylie, Cate, Ben, and Ryan
We also had info nights / parties to invite students to the lifechanging SEEK conference in January and our mission trip to Mexico in the spring! God has blessed our efforts abundantly - we have nearly 50 students signed up for SEEK! I am so excited to go with them!
Kylee beautifully shared her testimony from our mission trip last year
Please pray for our students to be on fire to share the faith with their friends, for Olivia and Sophie as they interview for FOCUS, for Robert to go to SEEK, for our mission trip invitations, and for Allison and I in our relationship.
My mom and sister came for a weekend; it was such a gift!
Thank you so much for accompanying me on mission these months through your prayers and support! I am praying for you!
In Christ, Zach
My first-year team director, Mikayla, married Zion, a former cadet!
Me and my former teammates at Zion and Mikayla's wedding
I got to spend a weekend with my team from last year + Allison and Brenna!
Our team in our USA-themed halloween costumes!
Olivia, Brenna, Nick, Miranda, and Bridget on the retreat
Allison and I on a date to see the fall colors
Michelle Duppong was a farmgirl from North Dakota who had a deep awareness of Christ's love and thirst for us and lived completely for Him, to her death at the age of 31. She has had a huge impact on how I live mission, and I will be seeing it with students in November. Her life will inspire you as well! It's in theaters nationwide for one night only this may be the only opportunity to watch it for a while! Click the image for more information.